AI for Marketing: Top Tips and Tools from Marketing Experts [2024]
Cofilm's AI Marketing Guide: Learn from the experts, build your AI strategy, and leverage tools for success.

1. AI for blog writing

Have you ever wished you could clone yourself so you could write more articles, faster? Well, you can make that happen with AI content tools (kind of).

Despite what you’ve heard, AI isn’t here to replace writers. It’s here to help them. With AI, writers can:

  1. Ditch writer’s block
  2. Create content briefs and outlines
  3. Generate long-form content quickly
  4. Write blog titles and descriptions at scale

AI content tools speed up your writing, but don't skip human review. Fact-checking and editing are crucial for accuracy and quality. Many tools include plagiarism checkers for added assurance.

Key Points for Editing AI-Generated Content

Understanding the Big Picture:

  • Read the entire article first. Get a feel for the overall message, flow, and potential issues before starting edits.

Ensuring Accuracy:

  • Verify facts. AI can be wrong, so cross-check information, especially statistics or claims.

Polishing the Text:

  • Fix grammar and spelling. Even AI makes mistakes. Proofread carefully to catch them.

Making it Human:

  • Add your voice. Inject personality, examples, or anecdotes to make the content unique and engaging.
  • Vary the transitions. Avoid robotic phrases like "furthermore" or "additionally." Aim for a natural flow.

These tips apply to any AI-written content, helping you refine it into high-quality material ready for your audience.

5 Best AI marketing tools

Finally, I asked my teammates which AI tools they'd actually recommend marketers test out and implement right now. Here's their shortlist, the best of the best.

1. Descript

"Descript Pros

Easy to use

Not expensive

Mind-blowing features

Constant development

Descript Cons

Limited ready made templates

Limited stock images/videos"

2. Wistia

For me the pros are the following:customizable player (color, etc)Possibility to add chapters (latest release)Possibility to embed with autoplay etc"

3. Gamma

My favorite feature is the one-click restyle, removing the tedious task of manual formatting. Sharing the content is simple and works on all devices. Plus, it offers built-in analytics, which adds a nice touch to understand audience engagement."

3. Cofilm ai

AI writes, corrects, and learns based on your style. Personalized, Fast & Free